O Lord, how manifold are your works!
In wisdom have you made them all;
the earth is full of your creatures.
Here is the sea, great and wide,
which teems with creatures innumerable,
living things both small and great.
Psalm 104:24-25 (ESV)
The service will begin at 10:00am
Click HERE to join in.
Notices for Sunday 29th September 2024 - Trinity 18
Kemble Morning Prayer at 10am led by Martin Kingston and Tom Barrow
Rodmarton Morning Prayer with Blessing of Animals at 11am led by Rev. Pepita Walker
This week:
Monday 30th September
Little Fishes. 2-4pm at Kemble Village Hall. All pre-schoolers, babies, parents and carers welcome.
Tuesday 1st October
Said Holy Communion with coffee at 11.30am at Woodstock, Frampton Mansell. Please contact Pepita or Paul for a lift, or further information – 760211.
Friday 4th October
Macmillan coffee morning 10am-12 noon, 33 West Hay Grove, Kemble.
Sportily after-school multi-sports club at Rodmarton Primary School – Friday 27th at 3.30pm.
Next Zoom Prayer Meeting: Tuesday 8:30 – 9:00 am
Next Zoom Night Prayer (Compline) 9:00 pm: Mon, Wed and Fri - via website.
Next Home Groups – at Kemble House: Wednesdays 7:30pm all welcome.
Thursday 7:30pm Home Group on Zoom – join via our website link or speak to Liz Collins.
Next Week: October 6th 2024: Trinity 19
Kemble Holy Communion at 10am led by Rev. Michael Paget-Wilkes
Poole Keynes Holy Communion by extn. at 10am led by Liz Collins
Sapperton Holy Communion at 11am led by Rev. Pepita Walker
Rodmarton Morning Prayer at 11am led by the team
Somerford Keynes Holy Communion by extn. at 11am led by Karen Czapiewski
Dates for the diary:
Sunday 13th October
Harvest Source service at 10am at The Tavern, Kemble. Informal harvest service. Donations, for those who feel they are able, for Cirencester Food Bank please.
Harvest service at Poole Keynes at 4pm followed by bring and share harvest tea in the village hall.
Harvest Holy Communion at Rodmarton at 11am followed by lunch in the village hall.
Saturday 19th October
Morning of creative prayer – an opportunity to explore some contemporary, creative prayer. We will use mixed media (e.g. paint, paper, pastels etc.) to open up different ways of having a conversation (praying) with God. Saturday 19th October 10am – 1pm, 33 West Hay Grove. To book a place contact Liz Collins on 07774104990.
Cirencester Food Bank – current urgent needs
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