September 1st 2024



O Lord, how manifold are your works!
    In wisdom have you made them all;
    the earth is full of your creatures.
Here is the sea, great and wide,
    which teems with creatures innumerable,
    living things both small and great.

Psalm 104:24-25 (ESV)


The service will begin at 10:00am

Click HERE to join in.


Notices for Sunday 1st September 2024 - Trinity 14

Kemble Holy Communion with children’s church at 10am led by Rev Michael Sanders

Poole Keynes Holy Communion by extension at 10am led by Liz Collins

Somerford Keynes Morning Prayer at 11am led by Sussanne Lock

Frampton Mansell Holy Communion at 11am led by Rev. Pepita Walker

Rodmarton Morning Prayer at 11am led by Karen Czapiewski

Evening Source at 6pm, West Hay Grove, Kemble



Next Zoom Prayer Meeting: Tuesday 8:30 – 9:00 am

Next Zoom Night Prayer (Compline) 9:00 pm: Mon, Wed and Fri - via website. 

Next Home Groups – at Kemble House: Wednesdays 7:30pm all welcome.

Thursday 7:30pm Home Group on Zoom – join via our website link or speak to Liz Collins. 

Next Week September 8th 2024: Trinity 15

Coates Harvest Festival at 9.30 am led by Liz Collins

Kemble Source Service at 10 am led by Source Team

Tarlton Harvest Festival at 11am led by Rev. Pepita Walker



Dates for the diary:

Tuesday 3rd September

Frampton Mansell 11am, Coffee & communion at Woodstock, led by Rev. Pepita Walker


Thursday 5th September

Hucclecote 7.30pm St Phillip & St James Church, the Licensing of Rev. Dr. Joe Mottram


Saturday 7th September

Coates country fair. Entries to hall - 11am-12noon. Produce show from 3-pm onwards with stalls, bar, refreshments, games, raffle and BBQ. Email for more information.


Saturday 14th September

Ride & Stride organised by Gloucester Historic Churches fund. Please encourage people to take part and see if you can organise refreshments at our churches.


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